Centering Prayer

Wednesday evenings during Lent from 6:45 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
All are welcome to expand their prayer life this Lent by joining in with the St. James Centering Prayer group. For over a year now, Cathedral member, Greg Gerber, along with the Very Rev. Lisa Hackney-James, has convened a weekly prayer group focused on the practice of Centering Prayer: a simple contemplative method of prayer that bears a resemblance to the practice of mediation, but which derives from centuries of Christian tradition. The method for this prayer style is simple but its effects can be profound. We gather via conference call. All that is required for participation is a place to sit quietly and comfortably as we dial in by telephone. Participants are guided through the 20 minute silent prayer time with teaching and reflection on either side of it. Please RSVP to the Very Rev. Canon Lisa Hackney-James with any questions and to receive dial-in instructions.