
What is your gift?
At St. James, we are given exceptional gifts every day. Your participation worship, faith formation, community outreach, music, and arts, is a gift to God, your neighbors, and the wider world. Think of stewardship as a gift to God of your time, talent, and treasure in gratitude for all God has given you.
What is a pledge?
A pledge is an estimate of giving and may be changed during the year if your financial circumstances change. Pledging allows you to make intentional decisions about your finances. When you plan ahead, you make conscious choices about spending your money in ways that reflect your faith and values. Receiving your pledge allows the church's governing board, called the Cathedral Chapter, to plan wise support of the mission and ministry to which God has called us. The budget is based on the total amount pledged to St. James. While plate offerings are always appreciated, your pledge lets the congregation plan more accurately for the ministry we can accomplish.
How much should I give?
Both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures contain a clear understanding that the appropriate response to God’s generosity from God’s people is a tithe (10% of income), and in some churches today, that would be the minimum expectation of every member. Other churches suggest that church members should offer 5% of their income to their faith community combined with the support of other charities. Out of your love for God and your faith community, join others in making a generous pledge.