Cathedral raises money for RefugeeOne
February 12, 2016

The Cathedral Chapter invites the cathedral community to raise money this Lent for the work of Refugee One - a Chicago charity doing vital work with refugees.
Lent is traditionally a time when Christians exercise self-discipline about lifestyle and expenditures, and is this a particularly appropriate time to put aside money to support charities and institutions which help build God's kingdom in the world around us.
If each member of St. James were able to put aside even $1 each of the days of Lent, if we gathered it all together, we would be able to give well over $10,000 to aid the refugees on our doorstep.
We invite you to participate by picking up a pence can at the cathedral beginning Sunday, February 14. Our Sunday School youth have designed the cans and will be distributing them. The ingathering will be Sunday, April 3. Or you can contribute online by choosing "Other" and noting "RefugeeOne".