The Dean's Statement on the Orlando Shootings
June 13, 2016

All faiths are invited to join us for a Prayer Vigil and Service of Healing on Wednesday, June 15, 5:30 p.m.
The tragic shootings in Orlando on Sunday, June 12, have shocked and stunned people across the world, and the members of St. James Cathedral have felt that shock deeply. Violence and evil on such a scale as this is a profound attack on our shared humanity, and affects us all.
The coming days will yield many statements, recriminations and political sentiments around this senseless and brutal act. For our part we remain confident that the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ transcends the very worst actions of humanity, and in that hope we offer our prayers for the victims of this mass killing, for their families and friends, and for all affected by this tragedy. We pray also that the love which binds together all of creation will turn the hearts and minds of all those who seek paths of violence.

The Very Rev. Dominic Barrington