Charles LaFond - Preacher & Dean's Forum Presenter
October 14, 2016
Sunday, October 16
Preacher at 8:00, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Dean's Forum at 10:00 a.m.

We are pleased to welcome The Rev. Canon Charles LaFond to St. James Cathedral on Sunday, October 16. Canon LaFond will be our preacher at all three morning services (8:00, 9:00, 11:00 a.m.) and will be the presenter at the 10:00 a.m. Dean's Forum. His subject at the Dean's Forum is "Living by a Rule of Life"
Charles LaFond is Canon Steward at the Cathedral of Saint John's in the WIlderness in Denver Colorado. A Cathedral Canon works among a “chapter” of canons who live by a rule of life that includes saying daily morning and evening prayer together. The Canon Steward oversees the fabric of the Cathedral complex (considered one of Denver’s most beautiful buildings), coordinates hospitality programs to visitors and 4,000 communicants, orchestrates the raising of money and people for mission and ministry, and contributes to the life of the community through teaching, preaching, and writing on the spiritual life.
Charles has taught stewardship design as guest faculty at Virginia Theological Seminary, is on the TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship) Board of Directors and on the Advisory Council for the Episcopal Church’s Development Office. Charles is a frequent blogger at, where he writes a bi-monthly article on domestic spirituality, and is the author of Fearless Church Fundraising on the spiritual and logistical underpinnings of stewardship and financial development in churches and religious organizations.
Charles has been a member of the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church and its Executive Committee and is on the Presiding Bishop’s Advisory Council for the Episcopal Church Development Office and The Executive Council’s Joint Standing Committee on Local Mission and Ministry. Charles is also Priest Associate at The Church of the Good Shepherd in Nashua, New Hampshire and is Chaplain to the New Hampshire State Senate. Charles is a master potter in stoneware, Raku art and production pottery sold in two area art galleries and lives on a farm and apiary in the woods of New Hampshire with his Black Lab “Kai.”