A Letter from Lisa

March 05, 2020

"After the services this Sunday morning, Lisa will begin three months of sabbatical leave, during
which time she will be away from the cathedral and utterly out of contact with all matters
concerning it. Sabbaticals are a normative part of the terms and conditions under which clergy
are employed in many denominations, and, in the Episcopal/Anglican world, are routinely
offered in both The Episcopal Church and the Church of England. During her time away Lisa will
be doing some reading, traveling, resting and generally recharging her batteries, and she will be
back with us in mid June. Please hold her in your thoughts and prayers that this will be useful
and fulfilling time for her - and please do not seek to make contact with her during her time
away. Pastoral or other concerns should be directed to me or Anna during this period."
- The Very Rev. Dominic Barrington, Dean of the Cathedral

Dear Friends:

This coming Sunday’s services will mark my final round of celebration with our cathedral
community before I head off for some time away on sabbatical leave. As Dominic has
mentioned, sabbatical leave is a discipline of the spiritual life that allows for deep rest and
renewal in the service of God and the church. Sabbatical and sabbath share a common
linguistic root and a common purpose: disrupting the regular rhythm of work- in order that God
might ‘get at us’ in different and sometimes surprising ways.

Some of you may have heard me in recent days sounding a bit reluctant to disconnect from my
daily duties in the midst of all that is happening in this marvelous place! Simply put: I love being
a part of this community-- and am energized by all that God’s Spirit is accomplishing in and
through us, and so it is difficult to simply stop and step away. Ultimately, however, I am grateful
for the vision and leadership of our Dean and Chapter in the building up of this community’s life
and mission, including their commitment to making provision for staff and clergy sabbatical
leave. I know the wisdom of the model, and I intend to make the most of this gift.
While my plans are still evolving, they currently include some time in the mountains in Boone,
North Carolina where I look forward to a workshop retreat with one of my favorite poets: David
Whyte. My husband Alan and I plan to take some time for an epic road trip through the great
American West – to take in some of the natural wonders, and hopefully to catch a bit of the
desert in the bloom of Spring.

I am encouraged to know that I will be in your prayers, and you will remain in mine. I will return
to life at St James in mid-June and look forward to comparing notes on what God has been up
to – both in my time sabbatical time away, and in this vibrant and God-soaked community!

From the Rev. Canon Lisa Hackney-James
