New Canon for Outreach and Pastoral Care
July 14, 2022
Welcome the Rev. Steven Balke

Canon for Outreach and Pastoral Care
As you all know, the Rev. Anna Broadbent is leaving St. James at the end of August, moving with Shawn and Yara to Washington DC, where she will be the new Associate Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Silver Spring.
We are delighted to announce that in August we will be welcoming the Rev. Steven Balke (pronounced ball-key), to St. James, to serve as Canon for Outreach and Pastoral Care. Steven has been serving as Rector at St. Stephen’s, Beaumont, in the diocese of Texas, and brings considerable experience of various social justice ministries, great skill as a preacher and teacher, and an infectious enthusiasm for sharing the gospel.

Steven is married to Katie, and they have three sons, Elliott (8), Owen (5), and Isaac (3). As part of our welcome to the Balkes, and to help them settle thoroughly and easily, arrangements have been made for them to live in the house known as the Deanery in Lincoln Park (which has already been vacated by the Barringtons). Steven and his family will be with us on Sunday September 4, and we look forward to welcoming them.