Liturgical Ministries Mini-Retreat & Training Day
May 24, 2023

Have you ever thought about how many human hands it takes to offer our regular round of worship services at the cathedral? Have you ever considered that you might want to become part of one of the teams who make it all happen?
Would you consider helping to set the altar, or reading a lesson; carrying a torch or helping to offer hospitality and welcome those who come through our doors? These tasks belong to our ministry teams: altar guild, readers, acolytes and ushers. As we emerge from the more streamlined times of the pandemic, we need to rebuild our membership of these critical ministry teams. Many hands make the work light, and all are welcome!
If you are curious to try, I hope that you will consider joining us for a morning of training with experienced liturgical ministry team members and other new recruits.
Please RSVP HERE, and indicate which group you are interested in exploring. If you are not sure, simply indicate your general interest and I will be happy to help you in finding your place.