The Latest Cathedral News Author: Alan Taylor
Cathedral Appoints Organ Scholar
March 27, 2019

Dean Dominic Barrington and Director of Music Stephen Buzard have announced the appointment of Isaac Drewes as Organ Scholar, beginning Aug. 2019. Stephen Buzard says, “I am delighted that Isaac will be joining the music team at St. James. He is a gifted player and consummate church musician, and I look forward to what he will bring to our community. Isaac’s position is partially funded by the Anglican Association of Musicians (AAM) Gerre Hancock Internship grant, and it is an honor that this prestigious organization has identified our music program as an ideal training post for a musician of Isaac’s caliber.”
Drawing Closer to Jesus | A Letter from the Dean
September 04, 2017

Dear friends,
With Labor Day behind us, I wanted to write to you as we enter the new "program year", and schools and offices suddenly have that focus on the fall that says "business as usual" after the summer break. And the reason I wanted to write is to invite you, as a beloved member of our community at St. James Cathedral, to use this fall to draw closer to Jesus. And, in particular, I want to encourage you to do that in two specific ways.