The Latest Cathedral News Author: Alan Taylor
Morning Prayer
August 07, 2017

Making a Difference in the Wilderness – Keeping a Holy Lent
March 06, 2017

Dear friends,
Now that Lent is well and truly underway, I wanted to write to remind you of all that is planned at the Cathedral during this holy season, and encourage you to make every effort to walk with Jesus through the Wilderness to the Way of the Cross. For if Lent barely touches your life — both on Sundays, and on every day in between — then you will find that the joy of Easter makes little impact on you either.
And, very fittingly, Lent at the Cathedral this year is all about being in the Wilderness and learning how to make a difference there. For it is plain to me that a great many people inside and way beyond the St. James community feel trapped in the wilderness of the current political situation. Hurt, anger, frustration, and bewilderment are being expressed in so many times and places, as modern-day-Satans test and tempt us. So let’s look at what we can do as we journey with Jesus in the Lenten wilderness…