The Latest Cathedral News
Choral Evensong for Candlemas
January 30, 2023

Evensong for Candlemas features a congregational candlelight procession to symbolize Jesus as the light of the world. As proclaimed by the old man Simeon who said, “Mine eyes have seen thy salvation”, this service celebrates Christ's light during the darkest days of winter and will warm your heart with beauty and serenity.
Music by Byrd, Praetorius, Josquin, and Tallis. Stephen Buzard plays Bach's Schübler Chorales as a prelude to the service at 3:40pm.
Cathedral Prayer List for the Week of January 29
January 26, 2023
Submit a prayer request.
Please keep the following people in your prayers:
FOR THOSE COMMENDED TO THE PRAYER OF THE CATHEDRAL COMMUNITY: Derek, Shirley, Frank, Rosemary, Joe, Sarah, Vicki, Richard, John, Faye, Kyle, Susan, Denise, the Laverick family, Veronica, Cynthia, Ginger
FOR ALL THOSE WHO DIED BY GUN VIOLENCE IN CHICAGO IN THE PAST WEEK INCLUDING: Benjamin, Ruben, Derrick, Demani, Bryan, Ramiro, Devsish, Jordan
DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Congregations in the Chicago-North Deanery: Cathedral Church of St. James in Chicago; All Saints in Chicago; Ascension in Chicago; Atonement in Chicago; Cristo Rey in Chicago Companion Dioceses of SE Mexico and Renk: La Divina Providencia in El Camalotal; St. Andrew in Wadakona
Welcome The Rev. Canon Christopher Griffin
January 18, 2023
Canon for Community Partnerships
The Rev. Christopher Griffin has begun his work with us this week as Canon for Community Partnerships. Many of you will recognize Chris, as he has recently served on Cathedral Chapter and has shared his remarkable gift for preaching at St. James on several memorable occasions over the past year, including Pride Sunday and Holy Week.
Chris will serve in a part-time capacity at St. James while continuing in his role as Vicar of St. Martin’s Epsicopal Church in the Austin neighborhood of Chicago, where he has served for 13 years. We can expect to see Chris periodically on Sundays, and during the week he will work to extend our partnerships with other institutions beyond our walls, expanding our focus on advocacy, and strengthening our ties with various communities within the city and diocese of Chicago. Through this collaboration, Chris will also embody the interest in shared ministry that has taken root in recent years between St. James and St. Martin’s - a congregation and context distinctly different from our own, but a community who shares with us a commitment to expressing our faith through radical inclusion, a belief in the transformative powers of the arts, and of course a confidence in God’s presence among and between us.
Chris’ new role also reflects my commitment, during this time of transition, to restructuring our clergy staff to be a bit leaner and focused on mission-critical priorities. We’re committed to yielding the same – and even greater – impact from this new configuration, in no small part by investing in leadership with the experience and gravitas that Chris will bring to his role. Prior to his two decades of priestly ministry, he served a decade as an elementary school social worker and administrator in the Chicago Public Schools and before that within the corporate world. In addition to his seminary training, Chris holds degrees from MIT, Harvard and University of Chicago.
Please join me in rejoicing over the addition of Chris to our cathedral staff. He will join us on Sunday, January 22 for all services, and we look forward to welcoming him then.